Typing this up late on a Sunday afternoon.
It's been a good couple of days since my last post. Sorry about the delays between entries; the return to working life is helping me sleep at nights!
Anyway, Thursday and Friday were both good days, ploughing through files, getting on top of them and getting to grips with the litigation strategies involved. I really do still have a good feeling about this job - like I'm really going to be happy here. By way of underlining the point, this was the view on the drive to work on Thursday.

I don't know if I mentioned it before, but I've now signed up to do a course in preparation for the Texas Bar Exam next year. Time to put my money where my mouth is.

Image from here
Friday evening happened to be the firm's mid-year dinner, at the Butter Factory in Euroa. It was a first class venue, and I'm told by some of the folks at work very popular for wedding receptions. Certainly it was a spacious but warm venue, and the food was as good as you'd expect. They served a beef roast that was to die for, tender, quite rare and full of flavour.

Those of you who know me well may be relieved to know that I managed to get through the evening as the most sober non-pregnant person there and also managed not to shoot my mouth off. As a result, I should still have a job tomorrow morning! I'd left my car at the property of one of the partners, which was halfway to the venue and about three paddocks from here (the firm had arranged a bus between the venue and the office), so I was dropped off there and drove back here about midnight on Friday.
From there, it's been a quiet weekend. Dad returned to Flinders yesterday feed the cattle down there, which has meant it's been just mum and me here. Weather very cold and rainy, so aside from some longish walks to keep the dog entertained, I've been reading and also catching up on my networking via LinkedIn and the wide wide world of web. This, incidentally, was yesterday's rain.

Aside from networking, I wrote a couple of letters yesterday and read a fair bit. Watched way too much TV last night.
This morning didn't exactly dawn as much as it slouched out of the fog. Was it cold? It was bloody cold.

I've kept wading through back issues of journals and books today. This was the harvest from my night stand, so you can see why I need to catch up.

I'm still getting on top of all the features of the iPhone. Next step is FaceTime!
Not much more to add. I'll post something further this evening if there's anything at all to report. It seems odd to say it, but I'm actually looking forward to tackling work again tomorrow.
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