Friday, 12 June 2015

Going a long way

Hi everyone,

Typing this while my phone battery ebbs. Fingers crossed!  And, sorry not to be posting till now: I simply passed out last night.

It was a reasonable day.  A surprisingly large part of the morning at work was swallowed up by settling an advice on a rather knotty definitional issue.  The balance of the day was spent on more or less technical tasks (sorting out accounts, that sort of thing).

 Talked a bit more with the other members of the Legal Unit today.  I'm having trouble maintaining my reserve as I would wish. Grr: better to be seen by others as quiet than as a dickhead.

Long session at the gym after work: 6kms on the elliptical, 2kms on the ergo and 32kms on the bike.  Total of 40 kms, plus some weights. Gotta love it!  As a bonus, while I was there I had a good idea for a piece of writing which I'll try to scribble up today.

Michael will be up here this weekend. Farm work ahoy.

Not much more to add. Hope it's a good weekend for all of you!

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