The other day in the news I saw an article about an
emerging concern in Canada. It seems
that there is a genuine fear of sabotage of oil pipelines, particularly in the westof that country. With that in mind, it
struck me that it would be helpful both to non-hazmat emergency responders (for
example, ambulance officers) and to general readers to post about responding to
a chemical emergency.
Knowing the risk
The first thing to remember is that chemicals are
not magical. Most substances are not
dangerous provided proper instructions for their use and storage are followed.
If you live or work in an area where significant
chemical use occurs, or in a transport corridor to such an area, it may be
prudent to note the “UN Numbers” which you regularly see. The chemicals denoted by these numbers can be
looked up in this publication and guidance as to responding printed off.

Image from here
If you spot a risk
If you come upon the scene of an accidental chemical
release, or are the first emergency responder on scene, contact the relevant
emergency management agency for your jurisdiction. In Australia, this would mean calling “000”
and asking for the fire brigade. If
possible (and if it can be done safely), you should also advise –
- The UN Number of the escaping chemical.
- Whether the chemical being spilled is at risk of entering a stormwater drain or watercourse or otherwise escaping the scene.
- Whether the wind is blowing and in what direction (many iPhones contain a compass application).
Keeping yourself safe
If possible, put on protective glasses or goggles
when near the chemicals. Protect your
mouth and nose with a wet cloth or a mask.
Avoid contact with contaminated water.
Do not consume food or drink which may have been contaminated.
If the substance is thought to be flammable,
obviously do not use anything with a naked flame or spark (or an incandescent wire).
If you are in a motor vehicle, close the windows and
turn off the air conditioning or heating

Image from here
Keeping others safe
If there are bystanders or people living or working
nearby, advise them to stay indoors. Doors
and windows should be closed and air conditioning switched off pending advice
from the authorities.
After the initial chemical release is controlled,
ensure that checks for the welfare of people in the area (particularly children,
the handicapped and the elderly) take place.
Emergency crews should be advised of any symptoms of which they should
be aware, and provided with any necessary instructions as to decontaminating or
disposing of clothing and equipment.
The information in this post has been drawn from the website of the International Civil Defence Organization.
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