An interesting day, I guess. Court in the morning (adjournment by consent) and then back to the office - a scurry to be ready for the last case reviews of the week with my boss. A mixed bag I'd have to say, but after the last few days she could have been verbalising the worst abuse my subconscious can cook up and I probably wouldn't have reacted!
The slight relenting in the pressure was a considerable relief and warranted a hot chocolate (which the coffee machine at work makes really well). Really, there's nothing that isn't improved by hot chocolate. Oh, and I had a quick email exchange with Joni about a few things, which was good.
I had the second interview for a job in the afternoon. Think it went pretty well, and they've asked me to provide 2 referees and a sample of my advices which I take to be a good sign.
In the lift at the Court this morning was a poster for the Courts' open day this weekend. That was actually kind of how I wound up in this gig. Back in about 1987 me and my little sister and mum and dad went up to the Museum to see one of their special displays (Egypt?). It wasn't open when we got there, and it must have been Law Week and so we wound up on a double-decker bus tour around Melbourne. The old Magistrates Court on Russell Street, and I'm sure also the old County Court and the Supreme Court (pictured here). The next day, while waiting for the school bus, Mum asked me if I wanted to be a lawyer and work in the Courts all the time. Not having any better ideas, I said yes, and kind of never decided differently. Now, 25 years later (a terrifying realization all on its own!), here I am.
I worked later this evening than I'd planned (9:30pm). I warmed up the last of my pasta back here and thoroughly enjoyed it. Conversation with some of the housemates. Really looking forward to getting a bottle or two of cheap wine tomorrow night.
Bed time.
See you tomorrow.
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