Sunday 3 June 2012

A very random balance of Sunday

Hi everyone,

I'm starting this post waiting for the tram. I'll probably finish it this evening before I turn in. It's about 7:30pm and I'm on my way back to the Casa.  I'll stop at a pokies venue on the way back and break a $20 note into dollar coins so I can do some laundry tonight.

It wasn't the most productive office Sunday on record.  I cranked out the advice I needed to do, although it surely isn't Hemingway. I'll whip it into shape with fresh eyes tomorrow.

* * * * *

I just got off the tram and got the aforesaid change.  This was the pokies venue, by the way -

I'm not going to lie: I barely understand the appeal of gambling, and truly don't understand the appeal of pokies. They just seem like sad, sterile places where people go to haemohorrage cash.  Going to a pokies venue strikes me as about as attractive as a romantic evening with these guys -

With the exception that Pinhead at least would probably be quite an interesting conversationalist when he wasn't ripping off your face with hooks and chains.

A propos of nothing, but there's a new advertisement up at my tram stop -

I don't know how I feel about it. On one hand, if you want people to book flights on your airline to warmer climes, it makes sense to remind them about the said warmer climes. On the other hand, when you're freezing your appendages off in Melbourne in winter, an ad like that does seem like AirAsia is kind of rubbing your nose in it.

A propos of still less, I'm going to try an experiment this week, and swear off my usual lunch-hour reading. Usually while I'm having my sandwiches, I'll read the op-eds and letters in the Age, and also see if there's any interesting arguments on the ABC's op-ed page. It occurred to me that these two sources are the two most concentrated sources of negativity in my life (viz, bitter sounding, vitriolic folks who seen to have been having the same arguments with the world at large for years).  I wonder what happens if I stop giving them access to my little brain.  I don't think it could be bad at the least.

* * * * * 

So I'm back at the Casa.  The landlord is doing an inspection tomorrow, so I've given my room a zealous cleanup and it looks quite good.  I might even experiment with the decor, to the extent that I can, since I've just signed another 6 month lease.  I've washed some shirts, and ironed a clean one for tomorrow.  My legs were still a bit stiff from yesterday's run, so in keeping with Juneathon I decided to substitute a run with half an hour of stretching and callisthenics.  I certainly feel better for it and should be good to go for a run tomorrow.

And so I guess that's it for today.  I took care of the bills and rent and so on at the office, and signed my contract for the new place (I'll send it back tomorrow).  So, the administrative stuff is in order.

OK, bed time.  Matter in the County Court tomorrow which may be intriguing to handle.

See you tomorrow

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