It's been a good Monday, I'm not going to lie. I did fail to go running this morning, which I attribute to a design flaw in my clock-radio (snooze button is way too big and easy to hit). Nonetheless, I was at the office in time to have breakfast and also get and handle on the file I had to look after at the Magistrates Court this morning.
The Court matter itself went well, although as it's still ongoing I won't talk about it. It was all sorted by lunch and so I was able to spend the afternoon settling an advice and a few other things I needed to attend to. As this week is quiet I was out of the office early - about 6:30pm, which with this firm is early. I should add that on the flipside they're appealingly relaxed about start times - as long as your work is getting done, they seem to turn a blind eye on lateness till about 9:30am.
Picked up some groceries on the way back to the Casa, including fixings for actual homecooked meals. Believe me, the last few weeks of hectic activity and having microwave meals or sandwiches for dinner got old! I probably wouldn't have killed for a homecooked meal, but I may have been willing to inflict non-lethal violence. Anyway, before I could get to that, I had to blow the dust off the Nikes and turn on the iPod and crank out a few miles.

It'd been a warm day and I can safely say I sweated some wine out this evening! As you can see from the thingy over to the right, I ran 4.5 miles this evening (which it's rounded up to five) which is my usual run - not bad for first evening back in training. In addition, before I set out I checked my weight - 97kgs - and this time I'll get it down to the 80-85 my BMI says it should be. Of course, this may need extra motivation. Something like this maybe -

Dinner was a slight misfire - it was meant to be diced beef with gravy and a side of (Heart Foundation approved!) macaroni and cheese. I put way too much flour with the gravy and too much water with the pasta, so it kind of came out as beef with spicy Yorkshire pudding and cheesy pasta soup. Tasted OK though!
Tomorrow and Wednesday are largely appointment free, so I should be pretty near up to date by the end of the week, thank God. I've never been this in control of my work before.
Oh, and one more thing: can I endorse using a mix of honey and lemon to clear your face up? Yeah, yeah, a guy giving himself a facial ... yuk it up people. I don't care - this is the first time my face has been almost free of spots and scabs in 22 years. So if it's a problem for you, feed appropriate search terms into google and you'll find pretty much what's needed.
OK, bedtime.
See you tomorrow.
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