I'm starting this post on the tram back to the casa on a Friday evening. I always find Friday evenings kind of bittersweet. I'm off work ... but I know I‘ll be at the office tomorrow for (literally) the 25th day on the trot, and not going to the farm to help my parents out. Herein my cause for guilt.
It's been a quiet day overall. I was scheduled to meet with The Client at some point between 9am and 10am but was so wiped out after the last few days I slept through the alarm and woke up at 8:20am. Regular readers will know this isn't the first time this sort of thing has happened, and that I actually can go from "wake in panic" to "out the door" in ten minutes flat. Nevertheless, I cam empathise with the set of iPhone alarms I've seen on a few girls blogs -

With the exception that for “do your hair" put "shave". I emailed my boss from the tram and explained the situation. He mentioned later that he's not that worried about lateness. He explained that he long since concluded that lawyers fall into two classes: early starters and late finishers. He had also concluded (correctly) that I'm in the second category. It all worked itself out in any case: The meeting I was booked for didn't start till I'd arrived and had time to pour a coffee down my throat and it was on a file I'm familiar with.
The balance of the day was spent getting out a response in a workers comp matter, preparing another response and addressing a possible issue in a third. Seriously, I love this firm: you can't help but try a little harder when your own boss says "you've got a fair bit ahead of you - do you want to throw one of these responses to me to prepare?" rather than "you've got a lot to do - good luck" or "If this all goes pear-shaped you'll be ...". There honestly wasn't a lot of intellectual fuel in the tank, so I got as far as 6pm and pulled the pin and came back here.

Once back here I watched some Big Bang Theory while doing some static exercises - my legs were still feeling a little more worn out than I wanted to run on. I also checked out my weight and was pleased to find I'm now down to 88kgs! Dinner was something repulsively healthy that I'd also been craving - tortilla wraps with chicken meat, tomato and lettuce, with almonds for dessert. Yeah, I know, I sound like a health bore. But seriously, I was craving that particular combination all day. Well, I also wouldn't have turned up my nose at BBQ chicken pizza, but this didn't leave me bereft of self respect tomorrow!
On the "also good news front" - I got the credit card statement in today's post and it's down to and encouraging figure. All being well, early next year I can start looking for work in the US in earnest. Ever dollar gets me a little bit closer to my darling girls.
OK, I'm going to wrap this up and finish catching up on sleep. Hope all is well with all of you!
See you tomorrow.
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