Blogging from my laptop again tonight. It's late on a Friday night and I'm ready to crash out.
Today has been an interesting experience. Well, this evening particularly. Today itself was fairly forgettable at the office. I spent a big whack of it wading through a file for a new matter and settling some letters for medical exams next week. Nothing fancy or exciting I'm afraid to say. Just so swamped with work.
This evening we had a function for a client at the football. It was the sort of evening that was objectively awesome, but where I just kind of didn't feel like I should have been there. It was at the MCG (of which the photos) in one of their ultra-high end dining rooms, with dinner served before going out to watch the game, and with freedom to go back and forth between the grandstand and the dining room. Open bar, too. The dinner was spectacular. A little surprisingly, there was no fish option for dinner. Since it would have been rude to make a fuss over the food, I found myself thoroughly enjoying a medium-rare steak with prosciutto, beans and carrots. I haven't had steak in literally months (seriously, probably not since early December) and enjoyed it more than you could ever imagine. The evening was a bit of a strain though. I tend to find conversation at things like this difficult, because I always feel like I'm drivelling and making a fool of myself. So I find myself trying to avoid eye contact with people, while always looking around alertly as if something has just caught my attention. This gets a bit wearing after a time. Added to which, I tend to find it difficult to enjoy going to AFL games. This is largely because of the sheer amount of shit that you get here if you're not obsessed with the fucking sport (my old boss never tired of asking me which team I supported, to which I had to grudgingly reply "Hawthorn", whereupon he'd ask me who playing in xyz position which of course I didn't know; he thought that was hilarious). Added to which, I spent I-don't-know-how-many nights going home on trains which were packed with drunken, noisy, obnoxious, aggressive, threatening people going home from a game. This is why at a game I find it hard not to look around and think "of the 78,474 people here, about 78,000 are the sort of shitheads who'd lose a battle of wits with an orangutang". Yes, yes, I know: you can't and shouldn't generalise so much, but after a while you kind of have your prejudices validated so many times that it's difficult to extend the benefit of the doubt. Anyway, I managed not to have even the tiniest freakout (cf what happened at the firm's end of year function), so I was able just to get through the event in a "play it cool" style and at the least got a first class dinner out of the deal. So hurray for that!
This weekend will be a low key one. I have to go to the office tomorrow to get my last Continuing Legal Education point in an online course, and I guess I'll do some work. I haven't been for a run today (my legs needed a rest!) so I think I'll got for a run on the Tan Track or St Kilda Esplanade or both. And hopefully I'll be able to skype with Joni and the girls through the weekend too which would be great.
OK, it's highly bedtime.
See you tomorrow.
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