This post will be shorter than planned. It's 12:30am, and I'm trying to go to bed earlier than I have been lately (as a rule, about 2am). So, I'm uploading this in place of the post I'd planned as I've spent the last hour or so trying to get blogger to upload the photos I'd like to share. Anyway, I'll put that post together tomorrow night when I have a little more time.
It's been another quiet day of settling advices and reviewing medical material here. As I think I said the other day, one of the up sides of the new office I'm in is that it's fairly quiet and I can have ABC-FM or the Country Hour on if I want to.
I decided against running this evening in place of some exercises from the book I bought from the throwout table at Officeworks the other day -

The exercises in this are seriously good. Yeah, I know, I'm not their target audience. I don't care. I'm feeling pretty good about life these days - I'm enjoying my work, I'm writing more and better than I have in my life, and my head's screwed on straight which is kind of amazing after the year I've had. Why shouldn't I put this whole bundle in a healthy body too? Mens sana in corpore sano.
Tomorrow is another quiet day - like to be sending the advices from today to the Client after review, and cranking out a brief and court book. And hopefully go for a swim at Melbourne City Baths after work.
See you tomorrow.
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