This isn't the blogpost I've spent a big whack of the evening writing. I've put it to one side and I'll decide whether to put it up tomorrow. It's probably one of the best I've written, but perhaps also one of the most revelatory. Today's been a great day for feeling alive. I was up early enough to decide whether to run or to do more static exercises (went with the latter, doing things that certainly challenged my stomach and leg muscles). I was at work early enough to have breakfast there and get a jump on the day, which consisted heavily of shooting versions of advices back and forth with my boss. Not the best day I've had, as this is work I should have done last week, but I have a system in place that means once these hiccups are through things will get better. So, not a day that will get me "employee of the month", but one where a few teething problems are still being sorted through.
You remember the other day I was feeling a touch of the Makybe Divas? After work today I decided to trade 'race horse' for 'river horse'.

Which is to say, I went swimming instead of running. I went to the Melbourne City Baths. It's a beautiful old building - over a hundred years old - just outside the CBD that has a 30 metre pool and also a well equipped gym of which I was a member in the beforeTime.

I caught the tram back here. I was feeling lazy, so I went with toasted sandwiches of avocado, cheese and silverside for dinner, and then came up here to blog and, in a minute, have a shower and get the rest of the chlorine off before sleeping. Will need to spend a big whack of the weekend working, I'm afraid, but it'll be worth it. And I get to skype with the girls tomorrow night, and that's making me happier than anything right now!
See you tomorrow
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