This entry will be less than the day deserves, but I'm trying not to let perfect be the enemy of good. Also I need to get to bed.
It's been a hot day here - about 38C / 106F I believe. My diary said it was appointment free, although that didn't mean I wasn't busy as I desperately cranked out another couple of advices and a bunch of other work. I did get the first reprimand I've had since I've been there, about having too-high an average write-off for work done on files. This shook me a little, as this was an issue at the last job, and I'm petrified of losing this job like I did the last one. I think I can do better, with a little tinkering with my methods, so I'm sure I can rectify things, but it was still a little disconcerting. Of course, I do have a Plan B ...

This evening was my night to go and make a plasma donation, and once again I almost got knocked back! Last time it was because my haemoglobin was on the borderline of being too low. I'd prepared for that this time, by last night consuming a can of "camp pie" for dinner.

They call this a "favourite Aussie snack" but my honest opinion is that there are no words for how truly, truly nasty this stuff is. Imagine wet tissues, flavoured with unidentifiable meat and smelling like a wet dog and you'll just about have it. However, I was back too late to cook last night, and I had a can of it from way back, so I just smothered it with Tony Chachere's and tried to think of something else while I ate it.

It did the trick, since my haemoglobin was now at a healthy level despite not having had red meat in a while. The problem now, however, was that my pulse rate was too slow (46 beats a minute). Considering I was about to be jabbed with a needle and wired up to a machine, and I'd just left the office, one wouldn't have expected me to be so chilled out. I explained about the exercise I'd been doing, and a phone call to the Blood Bank's medical officer they OK'd me to go ahead.
After donating plasma I went back to the office and did some more work till 10:15pm, and decided to run from the office back to here, about 4 miles. It was still 27C / 84F and humid as Hell, and I discovered I'd forgotten my iPod, so there'd be nothing to help me keep step and distract me from the ache in my legs and lungs. Nonetheless, I made it without stopping, in a good time of 42 minutes (again, quicker than the tram would have got me back here). By the time I was back, though, I was literally able to wring the sweat out of my t-shirt. Still, it paid off inasmuch as I weighed in this evening and found I'm now down to my next target weight of 90kgs! Very very pleased about that!! Next stop is 85kgs, and then 80. Hurrah!
OK, I need to turn in. Big day tomorrow, with a conference and at least two more advices to draft. Such is the life of litigation lawyer!
See you tomorrow folks.
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