There was a lot in today. And most of it was good.
So the day started off awkwardly. I slept through my alarm, so my first coherent thoughts of the day were along the lines of "Mmmfh ... it's 8:10am. I need to be in court at 9:30... WTF? IT'S 8:12AM (sic) AND I NEED TO BE IN COURT AT 9:30!!!". I dressed in record time and bolted for the tram stop and was at work dead on 9:00am. A couple of phone calls later I headed for court and attended to this morning's matters. Never was I so glad to subsequently get my first coffee of the day in. And at about that time I got an email from Joni re yesterday's matter which resolved my core concern so that was a huge plus.
I spent a healthy chunk of the day preparing for the afternoon case review (singular). I also had one more of the meetings regarding my impending departure from the firm. They'd put 30 June as a timeline for me to find other work, which is great - if I can't find work by then, then clearly the economy's so bad we're all screwed! If I can go earlier, great, and if at that time I have a job on the line but need a week or two more, then they're open to flexibility. Really, if you're going to be sacked, this is the firm to be sacked from. And I guess it makes business sense for them too: by doing it this way, they keep me invested in the firm and not just losing all motivation to work, and ensure that when I leave, I'm not going to want to badmouth the firm.
By 5pm I was on the fence about working late. As tomorrow is clear, and Wednesday is a public holiday, I figured that another late night tonight would translate into a strong temptation to coast tomorrow, so I gave myself the evening off and came back here. I planned to go down to the garage and do another burst of exercises like last week. You remember how I did all those sit ups then? Well, the muscles at the bottom of my stomach were pretty sore, but I thought they'd gotten over it, so down I went for some exercise. Stretching - fine. Star jumps - fine. Push ups - I assumed the position and felt the weight of my innards slump into the aforesaid stomach muscles >faint whimpering as I found myself in a world of hurt!<. With that I guessed that I wasn't going to be able to do a whole bunch in the way of exercise and came back
Dinner was going to be tuna, pasta and tomatoes, but I was all out of pasta so I made rice instead. Sadly, rice is a bit letdown when you have your dial set for pasta! Still, there's plenty of it, and what I didn't eat tonight will be great as a side with some crumbed fish.
Tomorrow is a quiet day, save for going to the doctor about midday (nothing dramatic, just need a prescription renewed). And the Anzac Day public holiday on Wednesday.
OK, I guess that's it for today.
See you tomorrow.
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