Another day of working hard but yet still running behind. I know it shouldn‘t matter to me, but the fact us that it does. I can tell you what I did today. In case you‘re having trouble sleeping or something. In essence, I waded through a bunch of material to prepare for case reviews, discovered shitloads more things I hadn't done, squeezed in a County Court appearance, and overhauled an advice on a matter. I've had more exciting days.
By 6pm I decided to be lazy and not work the evening as well, so I decided to go to the Bailieu Library at Melbourne University and research a few things that happen to interest me. I went on the tram past the Melbourne City Baths (pictured), where I used to go to the gym and swimming pool a lot, at another phase in my life, and I felt ... something. I don't know. Nostalgia? Not really a yen to have that stage of my life back, but something. Anyway, so I went on up the Melbourne Uni. Now, I'll never concede that Melbourne Uni comes in anywhere but second to Monash University in academic rigour (I'm sure you can guess the source of my bias!), but it surely has better architecture - that beautiful sandstone Gothic that this city did so well in the late 19th Century. I tried (not successfully) to get a picture of the clocktower over the South Lawn in the moonlight (pictured). It's really beautiful. Sadly, Monash Uni was built in the 1960s in an ultra modern style that dated very quickly. Lots of glass, stainless steel and concrete. Great university, but timeless it its buildings are not.
So, my evening was spent looking at an interesting (to me) area of cultural history until I headed back here about 9:30pm. Dinner was Macaroni Queso Mexicano (you can guess, I'm sure) and an episode of Married With Children.
I had an email from Joni today. It seems Occupational Therapy has been recommended for Rachel. I emailed back to ask if everything was Ok, but I think it was bathtime by then so I think the email went by the wayside. I'll follow up later. I worry about my little Rachel-Bear. I hope it's nothing bad and that at worst she's just inherited her dad's physical co-ordination (which is still quite a curse: I actually did "Special PE" at one point in Primary School; for some reason, Joni wasn't surprised when I told her!)
Oh yeah, and they tested the fire warning system at work yesterday - I've uploaded the audio here. Really, listen to it. It's the most inappropriately cheerful evacuation message, with a little chirping siren to go with it. If you didn't know it was telling you to evacuate, you'd swear it was selling laundry powder.
OK, bedtime.
See you tomorrow.
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