I'm happy to report that the visit went like an absolute charm!
As noted in the previous post, I'd arranged to see Joni and the girls at the Audubon Aquarium this afternoon at 2:30pm. I was pretty nervous as I waited. On the stroke of 2:30 Joni and the girls arrived, along with Philip and Sabrina. I couldn't wait to kiss my little girls. They're even more beautiful, and they've gotten so big! They did remember me, too. Although Grace, with her mind for getting to the heart of things, was far more interested to get in and see the fishies! I'd taken the most portable present I had, which were two beautiful little bracelets from Auntie Jennie, and the girls loved them. Joni had prepared for me some photo books for me and for the family of the girls since they've been back.
It was a great visit. They were sweet and just the happy little ladies I remembered. They were able to say when they wanted to go in another direction or to look at something else. They loved the big fish tank, and Grace said they looked like monsters. Rachel was sad that the penguins couldn't get out and come to her - she loved them. They both said "bye bye" to the mannequin wearing a diving suit!

(image from here)
By far the biggest hit, though, was when they went into the bird house. and could feed the little budgies and parakeets with birdseed on a stick. Oh how they giggled and panicked when the birds came close or swept close overhead! And then they'd call out to the birds, to try to persuade them to come closer. There was one little yellow bird that perched on my back and shoulder a few times, and Rachel started calling it the "daddybird".
We rounded out the visit with Haagen-Daaz - Grace had chocolate and vanilla and Rachel double vanilla.
They're so beautiful, and so sweet. Looking forward, a lot, to seeing them at the Zoo tomorrow with Joni and Philip and Sabrina.
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