Typing this on a late Sunday afternoon. Tomorrow I start the new job in Shepparton.
I'm looking forward to starting the new job, and petrified something will happen to cause it all to fall apart. Silly, right? I guess I just worry a lot. I know it won't but ...
The thing that is most speaking to me is that my life starts moving forward again. Not working, you feel like your life is somewhat frozen in amber. You can make endless plans, and dream big dreams, but unless you're working and keeping the wheels turning, the dreams are just dreams. So, as you can guess, I'm feeling pretty good.
I went into town this afternoon to scope out the parking situation near the workplace. It's pretty good - a parking tower where you can park for $4.50 a day. This is awesome: when I parked in Melbourne, parking set me back about $80.00 a week >shudder<. I went from there to the small shopping mall on the way out of town.
Photo from here
I needed to get a few necessities - shaving cream, that sort of thing. I also got a hand of bananas. Partly for nutritional value, and partly because I'd heard you can get shoes up to a high sheen using banana peel. I've now tried it and I can assure you it works like a charm!
While I was in the mall I did experience an augury that I'm pondering a little: the background music included Counting Crows' Omaha and Vanessa Carlton's A Thousand Miles. These two songs are ones which stick in my mind from times in my life when I kind of went on a wrong turn. SOme of you may recall that 'Omaha' was on the Crows' album August and Everything After, which was released in 1993, but the song itself didn't become big out here until 1996-7. 'A Thousand Miles' got big in 2002-3. As I've talked about previously, these were times when I kind of let my life go into drift, and just kind of started ambling from day to day rather than pursuing something better.

Picture from here
My feeling on the augury is this: that it's a warning to me not to let what could be a somewhat comfortable existence - work, living with parents, and living in an inland town - sidetrack the desire to be a proper father to my girls, to be a real and present part of their lives, to do something 'remarkable' with my life. I know this shouldn't be a problem, but I also know myself, and I know that I have a tendency to drift that I have to keep an eye out for. Fortunately I have good friends and great sisters who will kick my butt and keep me moving when I need it!
(Which reminds me: I need to arrange birthday presents for Oldest Sister Economist and Second Oldest Sister. I have some great ideas worked out for them!)
Not much else to note. Dad returned from Flinders this afternoon. No rain here at the moment (or, it seems, for some weeks).
Looking forward to seeing what the next steps in my life will bring!
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