Wednesday, 4 November 2015

Storm Warnings

Hi everyone,

I'm drafting this post before SES training (as usual).  It may or may not get completed: the rain is pelting down outside and I'm kind of waiting for my pager to go off.  There's an active storm warning at the moment and it could well be that we get called out.

 Image from Bureau of Meteorology

It's been raining fairly consistently since yesterday.  Overnight there were 22mm of rain at the farm, and as I drove out this morning I'd swear the dam by the gate looked higher (almost certainly an optical illusion).

Pretty well all day we've had waves of rain crossing Tatura every few hours.  We had one callout about midday, where a resident of Shepparton had their ceiling come down (a bad combination of a belting rain band and a missing roof tile).  B. (one of my good friends at SES) and I went over to it in the truck, and the Shepparton unit were also mobilised as it seemed like it'd be a substantial job.  In the event they were able to knock it over and radioed in that the job was 'clear' just as we were turning up the relevant street.

I'm not sure if things have been as bad in Melbourne as they were cracked up to be: the Bureau of Meteorology was pretty grim about it.  A good friend from a few jobs ago sent me a picture from her office of clouds and rain.

Not much more to share just now.  I've been thinking a bit about memories and the like lately - that'll be the subject of a post later tonight.  And I've had another idea about a few things, but it's one I want to mull over before I write about it.

No more for now.  I hope all is well at your end.

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