Another sunny couple of days here. Sunday went well, although it started out with heavy clouds and a few showers of rain. This cleared, but the day was left with a strong wind from the north that whipped up a lot of dust. Former-brother-in-law arrived mid-morning, and around midday I had a long skype with Grace and Rachel. They're doing great and were excited for Halloween. Grace will be a Shopkin and Rachel will be a little skeleton (as we skyped she was dressing up and pretending to be British rocker Izzy Bella!). Love my girls.

Farm work in the afternoon, after which I got a short ride in. I can tell you it wasn't easy fighting the headwind, or even the sidewind. Still, it was good to get out there and burn some calories. I'm only disappointed I didn't notice I was on 10.99kms when I got back - I would have peddled in a circle till it was 11kms exactly! I kept the fitness theme going later in the evening with some weights, stretching and core work. The rest of my life is going to pot, but I can still control how I look.

Today has been a sunny day with cool air. In the morning we installed some new panels in the yards, and then got a steer with a jaw abcess in so that the vet could lance it (and boy, did it need lancing). I caught some of the Cowboys-Eagles game over lunch and then headed out for more farm work putting the stock crate on the truck and fitting the hay mower to the Fordson.
The bit of the day that was a downer was a letter from Tatura post office advising that I didn't get the job there. Sure, it wasn't a great job, but the simple truth is it was work and that's a little hard to come by at present. You know you're getting desperate when this -

- stops seeming stupid and unrealistic and merely seems impractical and inconvenient. I know one has to press on, but at the moment it seems like I'm simply repeating the same actions over and over and (logically enough) getting the same lack of results.
Nothing more to note. Not sure what tomorrow will throw up but hopefully it all stays quiet.
How's your week starting?
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