Another short post, I'm afraid; this little black duck needs sleep.
Not that there's much to relate. It's been another day of file work with one hand and scoping jobs and drafting cover letters with the other. I've thrown some history-related jobs into the mix as well (turns out that the State of Wyoming pays archaeologists surprisingly well - almost what I'm on as a working lawyer - and isn't picky about their qualifications; it may or may not be coincidental that I now know that Wyoming is about a long day's drive from Louisiana).
The highlight of the day was calling the girls to say good night at about midday (time differences and all). They were really sweet - Grace loudly describing how she was bowling (on the tiled floor), and Rachel (from the sounds of it) holding the phone while in Joni's arms. I love my little princesses so much!
A newly admitted lawyer has just shifted into the office beside me, and she's had a bundle of questions about how to get files up and running and so on. The part of my job that I love more than any other is being able to pass on skills to younger practitioners. Weird or what? I guess it's true: if you can, do, and if you can't, teach.
Left the office at 6:30pm. Sandwiches in my room for dinner with a pot of decaf. More job applications sent off.
Sorry this is so dull; job seeking does not make for scintillating prose!
Oh - almost forgot: two pictures from the wonderful world of facebook to share! This -

And this -

See you tomorrow folks.
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