Considering the start it got on Friday, it's been a pretty good weekend. I've been, essentially, considering my options. But (unlike how I would have been in another stage in my life) I haven't been wanting to go and throw myself off the Westgate Bridge.

Photo from here
I guess that's because, really, I haven't been especially happy in my career for some time. So, really, the thing I'll miss most about being a defence lawyer is the pay.
I'm afraid to say I don't have any brilliant next moves planned. I was on my feet at 6am on Saturday thanks to having broken the coffee machine out of retirement (waking up to Community Coffee dark roast is something out of heaven)

Picture from this nice person.
I set to and updated and generally overhauled my CV and posted it to a few recruiter's websites and also scoped out some jobs. Tomorrow I'll call a recruiter and see if they can do anything for me, although how the Hell I explain my sudden departure from a job I've only been in for six months I have no idea (really, if you have any suggestions, I'm all ears). If you want my CV, shoot me an email - or check out my linkedin profile to the right of the screen there.
Saturday evening I had dinner with Second Oldest Sister and JP - pork with vegetables and crackling ... >drool<. Honestly, the mood was upbeat. Of course, there's never a good time to be out of work involuntarily, but there's also never a bad time to look at beginning again either. So, it was a really nice evening. That's two dinners I owe S.O.S., so I've promised to fry a turkey for Easter at Shepparton. I should mention it to Dad and see if he can procure some deer meat to try frying as well.
Today was kind of a day of constant waiting. I was on my feet at 7am with the smell of coffee brewing. So I went through a pot of coffee and did some writing but didn't get to breakfast as I was planning on a run, and then it was coming up to skype-time with my little princesses so I was still in the shorts and t-shirt I sleep in, plus some over-the-hill sweat pants and a pullover, without a shower. Skyping with the girls was just stellar - they were wearing the play-jewellery my mother had sent them and Grace was clearly in her element and babbling twenty-to-the-dozen. Rachel is calm and sweet but still very quiet. They look so big now - little girls rather than babies. If there's an upside to getting fired, it's a window between jobs to go see them for the first time in over a year. I wish I'd been able to see Joni for a little, because I miss her. I know a lot of you might not understand, but I still love her, and I accept the teaching that our marriage remains in existence until they're shovelling dirt in on my coffin. So, it's my duty to wait, and forgive, Joni until either I am six feet under or there's a chance for healing. If that means I have to wait for the next fifty-odd years, well, I guess it'll give me time to crank out a couple of books or something. I guess, if nothing else, that's not a bad role-model to give the girls for how a husband should behave when things get tough.
I got out for the run I mentioned before - about 5 miles in 40 minutes. My legs were a little stiff, but their 'springiness' was back again which is what I was waiting for. I thought about a run on Friday - God knows I needed one! - but when I bounced on my legs they were not springy - it would have been like running on blocks of wood. I came back here, had late-late-breakfast (or if you prefer, late-lunch) at about 2:30pm and watched a DVD of Time Team. Speaking of alternative careers...!

Shamelessly stolen from here.
I found a late Mass at 6pm at Sacred Heart in Preston - another church that is very grand and beautiful in red brick.

Back to work tomorrow. Unfortunately, I think the next weeks will be nothing less than weird. Sigh. The thing is, they could have offered me the option of resigning and I'd have still been willing to work as hard as ever; really, now, as I see it I'm on work-to-rule. Should be a new experience.
OK, I guess that's it for now.
See you tomorrow!
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