Monday, 27 April 2015

Adventures in gardening

Hi everyone,

Sorry there was no post last night: truth is I was utterly tired and passed right out!

So yesterday I had some work for the gardener I've mentioned previously.  I met him at his place sand we headed to the job in Mooroopna.  The job itself was to remove about 15 sword-grass shrubs from the garden area. It was nowhere near as hard as I'd been led to expect.  Cutting under the roots with a spade worked effectively, followed by levering the plant up in as few pieces as possible with a mattock.  In about 5 hours we went from this -

... to this -

And from this -

... to this -

The only downside was that we had to keep trekking back to the far side of Shepparton to drop the cuttings at the tip.  Pay not great but I've still declared it to Centrelink.

One thing that made me smile was stopping for fuel and seeing the swap-n-go gas labelled as propane. I can't see that without thinking of Hank Hill!

In good news, the cow in the yards is now consistently (if a little unsteadily) on her feet.  Praise God for small mercies!

Today has been much more settled (bordering on inactive). I've applied to go up to Sydney as part of an SES relief crew after the storms up there.  Some paperwork in the afternoon, and volunteering at the Legal Centre in the evening. Not sure how much longer I can be a legal Service volunteer for. I always feel like I'm giving people bad news or always needing to be 'Dr No'. We'll see.

More tomorrow. Think I'll sleep well tonight!

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