Hi everyone,
Lots of time on the road today.
I had a morning appointment with Centrelink - the social security agency here - about now getting unemployment benefits and my duties to look for work.
I'm not going to lie: I'm still a bit sensitive (for want of a better word) about being on benefits. That's why this is how I've labelled my own file of social security documents -

And, really, why I always try to look well presented when I go in. Maybe it's snobbery or a pride I have no right to, but I'd hate to be turning up disheveled in thongs and a raggy t-shirt like I'd given up on life.
After attending to Centrelink and some other business in town I went back to the farm and in the afternoon the old boy and I went over to the block at Rushworth to put away a tractor that had been delivered there for use sowing some grain for feed.
The drive back to the place at Nagambie and then in to the Casa took us through Whroo. I felt a little odd about this. When the ex and I were first together we visited Whroo the same day as we had our first "let's get all dressed up" date. So it seemed somehow important.
I'm not all broken hearted or anything; just, I suppose, wondering what one does with these memories. I'm not sure.
Not much else to note. Got steers in at Nagambie to go south tomorrow. Fed that heifer who's still in the yards. Hopefully some rain in next few days.
More soon,
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