Sunday, 12 April 2015

As a jazz piano plays ... Again

Hi everyone,

So I'm typing this post again after my Blogger app crashed and erased the last one... Gripe.

Phone issues notwithstanding, the day has been good.  After the last post I spent the morning forking leftover hay from the yards into a barrow for the stock in the paddock below the house to pick over. A lot of it is good oaten hay and those cattle could use all the good feed they can get.

Naturally, having a pitchfork in hand and being near a shed, I couldn't resist taking an American Gothic style selfie!

After lunch I boiled up some dog food (turkey legs that had gone a funny shade of pink) and wrote some aerogrammes.

I suppose I must be the last person in the world who still uses aerogrammes.  I think there's something great about handwritten correspondence though. The recipient knows that for as long as the pen was in your hand, you were thinking of them only.

Late afternoon I wired back up one of the gates that got smashed in the yards the other week and then the dog and I walked down to see if there were any new calves or cows in trouble (no on both counts).

I overgrilled the fish for dinner (yeah... rubbery) and also had half a rockmelon (Lordy but I do love melons: if I'm ever on my deathbed, for the love of God feed me watermelon and I'll die happy).  Healthy at least!

No big plans for tomorrow aside from looking for work and maybe a 10km run.

Hope it's a great Sunday for you all!

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