Tuesday, 17 January 2012

Cooking and Wine

It's just after midnight, and I'm typing this on the laptop because it'll be quicker than trying to do it on my phone.  Well, easier at least.  Forgive any mistyping: I've been cooking.

I'll explain in a minute.

So this morning I woke up just before 6am and lay there in the peace and quiet with ABC-FM on for a bit.  Then up, dressed, and off to the office.  I was able to rattle a lot of work off in the morning and also prepare for case reviews with my other boss this morning.  The day was, to be honest, forgettable.  Not bad, just a lot of phone calls and files to work on.  Nothing really notable I'm afraid.  But, I can feel myself getting (feeling?) better at the work and being a bit better at it.  That seems good to me.

This evening I made gumbo with some of the fixings I bought at the Market at the weekend.  All was well, save for having tried to economise by buying chicken necks rather than (say) breast meat or marylands.  As a source of meat, chicken necks work surprisingly well.  They're full of meat and in a stew the meat can basically be sucked off of them when you eat.  But, it means you have to spit a lot of vertebrae out as you eat which kind of detracts from the meal as a whole.  Hmmmm.  That said, the gumbo itself tasted great and I had more than enough left over to freeze for later.  I guess that goes in the "win" column!  Tomorrow is going to be fun too - I'll finally break out that frame and try to make drunken chicken.  This could be interesting!

Incidentally: I think I've put the sharehouse's queen bee off side.  On Sunday Sanjay (one of the housemates) let the TV remote out of his grip for long enough to wash his dinner dishes, and the Queen Bee grabbed it and changed the channel to something she wanted to watch through the window while she stood outside having a cigarette.  I murmured to Sanjay "shit mate, had you finished watching that?".  He just said it wasn't worth arguing over, but QB saw us talking and then pestered me saying: what were you talking about?  what were you talking about? (I just said I was asking how his day had been).  Now she won't even speak to me.  The theatre of sharehouse life!

Oh, and FedEx came by the office just after lunch and collected the package.  So happy the girls will have their presents for their party!  Oh, and I did I say I got instructions to put the offer with the hope of preventing the hearing on 30 January?  Hurray!  The auguries are good indeed.

Before I forget: why would cooking cause me to mistype?  Well, the gumbo needed to cook for about 2 hours, which basically meant 1.5 bottles of wine.  Enough said?  I hope so.  Which is why I'm now typing this post and barely resisting the temptation to sing long to George Strait.  And I'm thinking about the time Joni and I drove round the hills at the back of Bright with "Living and Living well" on  the car stereo.   Happy happy memories!

See you tomorrow!

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