It's been an interesting day. Maybe "interesting" is the wrong adjective; my vocabulary is failing to supply a better one. I suppose one could insert instead "good" (too bland) or "inspiring" (overstates the case).
Anyway, so the early bedtime worked well last night - slept well and solidly from before Midnight. I was at work a bit before 9:00am and worked not altogether efficiently until lunch. I say "not altogether efficiently" because the morning was spent wading through about 1500 pages of employer records. Most of them irrelevant to the case but I had to check. This is the sort of thing I've chiefly been doing at work since Christmas (wading through masses of employer records / hospital records / medical reports / etc) and so by this stage my interest was rather fading. Thank God this was the last set! Lunch was a productive exercise: I paid the last water bill from the old house - somehow this had slipped past me. I finally got around to restoring my membership of the American Bar Association. I actually ate my lunch. And I went to the pharmacy at the bottom of my building. I should explain that I have evil skin. Now, it's not evilly inclined. For example, it doesn't go out in the middle of the night on its own and set fire to churches and try to rent one of the Saw movies. But it is, however, oily and easily irritated. And it breaks out when I'm short of sleep or stressed, and shaving each day makes it worse. This has two especially bad effects:
(1) I look like an overgrown teenager; and
(2) It's bloody uncomfortable.
So, I've invested in a good quality facial scrub with little gritty things in it. I remember using such a thing years ago and it worked a treat, so I'm hopeful this will do the same and clear up the skin issues. It felt good at the end of lunch to feel, I don't know, moved along (another case of vocabulary failing me, I'm afraid).
I left the office at 6:30 - later than planned; the last job took a bit longer than expected. Back at the house I decided to go for another robust walk in search of Merri Creek since it was early evening and I'm enjoying the exercise. The walks at the weekend were in my old Skechers - great for mooching about the house or the office, but not great for anything substantial. So, I dug out some old lace-up boots I'd bought ages ago but for some reason I'd polished, waxed and stored away and forgotten about until we were packing the house up. So, I set off in the opposite direction to yesterday. I'd walked all the way to Coburg when I saw a sign poiting at 90 degrees to the road reading "Merri Creek Trail". It's been parallel to Nicholson Street all this time!!! I headed down it for a good long while - a couple of photos herewith of the creek itself and the back of a church I passed. Unsure what denomination but from the cupolas and style I'd guess either Russian Orthodox or one of the Eastern rite churches. Naturally (you can see this coming) byt the time I got off the trailway and back into suburbia I was utterly lost and so what was going to be a 90 minute walk took about 2 and a quarter hours! By the time I got back here I was hungry and so I made up dinner out of yesterday's leftovers - a bread roll, an avocado, a few strips of turkey breast, and the remains of the cheese dip with cornchips. I appreciate I've just cancelled out all of the calories burned on the walk, but it surely was filling.
Also, I found out why I'd retired the boots. After about two miles of tromp-tromp-tromp-tromp something felt odd and I looked at their soles. The heel and the larger part of the sole on each boot were shredded and had big chunks missing. I remembered that I'd torn the shit out of them walking over rocky ground at Rushworth one time. On grass they were fine, but on concrete and bitumen the uneven tread meant I was effectively carrying my very own uneven pavement with every step! The trouble is, they're otherwise really comfortable and I'm on the fence about whether to throw them out or not.
Tomorrow I'll be at work at the time of the LSU-Alabama game so I'll go into a news backout until I can watch the replay at 9:00pm. I'd love to be able to see Joni and the two tee-Tigers, for this will be a huge thing there. Well, next season.
OK, it's time to sleep. See you tomorrow
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