So last night after watching the Crimson Tide roll all over LSU I had a battle to get to sleep - in the end not till 2am, although I shouldn't have tried to fill in the time watching Bud Light's "Real Men of Genius" ads on youtube on my phone.
Today was a quietish day at work. I spent a big whack of the morning getting the ball rolling on new files and drafting a fairly technical (sc. precisely worded) briefing letter to a medical examiner. I'd forgotten I'd run out of porridge at work, so I would up converting my lunch into breakfast in order to have something with which to take this morning's Pristiq. This meant I wound up buying lunch in the food court in the basement of the building - roast beef, tomato, spinach and seeded mustard.
In the afternoon I got an email from Joni about the girls' birthday party later this month. It's Sunday afternoon over there, which means Monday morning here. I have a hearing on that morning, but the claims officer providing my instructions likes to make quick decisions, so if I can get the letter of advice out to him by say Friday, I think he'll give me instructions next week, in which case it may be the matter can be disposed of ahead of time. This would mean I can take the morning off to see my little princesses at their party (and as a bonus, look good for getting an early settlement and saving counsel's fees). Hopefully so! I was so pleased to hear from Joni - we kept it to a couple of emails but I'm pretty sure she was still maintaining the breathing space. Fair enough.
I left the office about 6:30 tonight because I was preparing for the application tomorrow. I came back here and pulled my walking boots on, and found a shorter way to the Merri Creek trail (about 5 minutes from the share house) and spent about an hour and a half exploring the trail at a brisk stride with the iPod on (a couple of photos herewith. I feel better for the exercise. I even got back to the church I mentioned the other day - it is indeed Russian Orthodox, and a Cathedral at that. I got caught in the rain on the way back and, yes, got lost again (within one block of my street - only me...). I made up another tuna/tomato/garlic risotto for dinner which was really good(!) and watched the end of "Bridget Jones' Diary" which some of the housemates had on. (What is it with me an rom-coms? Some people have porn as a guilty pleasure; I have anything with Hugh Grant or Drew Barrymore). Which brings me to here.
OK, it's 11:15 pm. Sorry this is a bit mundane. Hope all's well with yourselves.
See you tomorrow.
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