It became a late night, but a pleasant one. Hence, this post is going up a bit later than usual.
The morning was a little unexpected. One of the first things to happen was a meeting between me, my secretary, one of the partners I report to, and the section's business manager. Essentially it was to help us find more effective ways of working together. It wasn't in my diary, so I was caught a little flatfooted, but we got some good ideas out of it nonetheless. I'll need to put in some effort training her to take more initiative, and to pull her up for sloppy work a little more (she's pretty good, but every so often some basic things get missed - pot, meet kettle!), but if it works it'll advantage both of us, so that's positive. I do appreciate that the firm does want me to succeed (I also appreciate that this isn't entirely altruistic on their part, but you know what I mean), rather than just allowing things to drift. There's some good articles on the ABA website about practice management too, so I'll spend some time this weekend picking that source of knowledge too. Still, it's promising.
There was a lunchtime seminar today. The seminar was a presentation by two of the trainees on sentencing policy, which was well done but not especially imaginative. However, it also involved the firm supplying lunch which I'm a big fan of!
The afternoon was a bit of a shambles, juggling things for the hearing on Monday plus a few other things for early next week. They all got lined up, but it was a near run thing!
After work drinks went late again (possibly related to drinking the firm's grog and eating its food). I planned to go home after, but I wound up going along to dinner at a Korean place and then to a bar afterwards with two of the folks from work. The odd thing was, the total cost of the evening's festivities was $21.00 (believe me, I checked) which still seemed like a reasonable expense. I hope so. I always worry about money, especially because we're paying down the cost of the move and until that's done, I'm stuck over here. I could say more on that subject, but you can see my point. On one hand, one needs to be a little sociable, but on the other, I want to get back to my family as soon as can be had. still, it's not THAT bad - we've already paid down about 25% of the total debt we had post move, so we're pointed in the right direction, but you can see why it's usually not far from my mind.
I had an email from Joni this morning advising that she had also sent the 3299 form to Customs, so hopefully the box will get to the girls before their birthday! Or, maybe it'll let them have it over a few days which might be cool too in a way. As long as it gets to them and doesn't come back here, I'll be happy!
After dinner and drinks I headed back. I took a few photos while waiting for the tram (herwith), and got back here just on midnight. Then shower, blog, and shortly bed. Not sure what to do for the weekend. I have a ton of dinners prepared and frozen (genuinely, a good 2-3 weeks if I cook up rice with them) so cooking seems needless. I should do some work, but not for the whole weekend, so we'll see. Maybe I'll pull on my boots and spend all of Saturday walking? Hopefully I'll have an idea over night.
OK, time to log on, post this and get to bed.
See you tomorrow.
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