The library will be closing in about 30 minutes. My plans after that point really depend on the weather. If it's raining (as it's been menacing all day) then I'll tram it back to the sharehouse. If it's holding off I'll walk all or part of the way back carrying umpteen pounds of laptop, books and odds and ends. Why will I do this? Well, it occurred to me that it wouldn't do me any harm to have a more (so to speak) regular life. So as well as trying to reduce my working hours, and actually acquire some interests, and eating better, I decided to try and sleep more healthily. This has been translating into a schedule something like this -
- 11:00pm - turn out light
- 11:00pm-1:00am - toss and turn and try unsuccessfully to sleep.
- 1:00am-1:45am - get hungry; get out of bed and find midnight snack; watch TV while eating aforesaid snack.
- 1:45am-c2:30am - toss and turn, play with phone, try to sleep.
- 2:30am - sleep, usually past the alarm clock.
So my idea is to burn up some excess energy on the way back to the house, hopefully sleep correctly, and thereby re-start the sleep cycle.
I've had the Library's web connection up while I've been here and saw Joni was on skype earlier. I thought about messaging her but was sure she'd like to just get on and do what she needed to do with the computer at her end, so let her be. I just miss her a lot.
Lunch was bought for not much from the supermarket in Melbourne Central Shopping Centre and eaten on the steps of the library - two rolls, an avocado and canned shredded chicken breast. Avocado and chicken is a match surely made in food heaven! Truthfully I have a real craving for avocado at the moment. If i pass an open grocer on the way back I'll get another couple.
So, not an exciting day, but pleasant.
See you tomorrow.
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