It's 1am, so this will be a shortish entry. I'd planned to have been asleep for a couple of hours by now, and it surely is time to be in bed. But, it'll be longer than I can comfortably do by phone. So, I blog by laptop.
In essence, it's been a day when the universe kept throwing things at me, things that would in the past have had me going off the deep end, and I just kept sailing through them.
So, I overslept (woke at 8:30am!) but kept my head and got dressed, got the tram, and had a think and sent myself an email with the list of things I needed to tackle this morning before Court, but would now need to find another way to do given the late hour. Other issues came up in the morning alone, to do with a medical witness on leave, and an employer contact being away, and the Court being cranky about a delay in a matter (which was, admittedly, mostly my fault). Then, I was in court all morning in the matter from yesterday. I tackled a swathe of jobs over lunch and steered my secretary into rescheduling a fairly important meeting for me (rather than insisting on doing it myself, which my control-freak tendencies would usually have done). Back to Court for the afternoon, then back to the office, arranged two lay witnesses and an interpeter (well, my secretary did that) for tomorrow, and had a difficult conversation with a manager from the government agency we report to. I made one sloppy mistake in that conversation - a mistake an articled clerk shouldn;t have made - but that still didn't have me freaking out.
I was late at the office tonight, unintentionally. But, at 9:30pm I got an email from my boss re the matter in court today, and I thought it'd be better to send a short but meticulous reply tonight rather than drop it on her first thing tomorrow morning. Doing this right took about an hour and a half, so I wasn't out of the office till 11:30pm. I intended to get dinner again from the Hungry Jacks I went to last night, but there was a long queue of people and only one or two people serving, so I went to another place across the road (Pie Face - something of a disappointment: the pie was OK but a little short of flavour, and the danish tasted kind of funny), and came out in time to see that I'd missed the last tram back here. OK, nothing for it. It's too late to walk back (let alone being in a suit and office shoes). I got a taxi, which actually got me back here before the tram (which we passed on the way), which is how I can rationalise the time to write this.
And when I got here, I found I'd received in the mail a birthday card from my parents-in-law (pictured). They're such sweet people, and I'm just so happy I get to be part of that family as well as my own. I kind of took the card as a sign from the cosmos that whatever test I was being set today, I passed it.
And, it's my little princesses actual birthday today, so there will be joyous greetings, and hopefully Fedex will finally get their presents out of sodding Anchorage!
OK, bedtime. See you tomorrow.
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