It's after midnight, so I should be in bed and asleep. It turned into a late night (I'll explain in a minute) and I'm typing this to settle my mind the better to sleep.
So this morning I was awake before 6am again. There was a breakfast seminar at work from 8am, and then a morning with a couple of case reviews with my boss plus regular file work. Lunch was a team meeting to discuss KPI strategy (so hey ho for a free lunch), and then more case reviews in the afternoon. I'd planned to get away from the office about 6:30/7:00pm, but I started drafting a letter of advice using a new method I'd learned from one of my colleagues. One of my biggest weaknesses is efficiency, so I had a chat to one of the Sen. Assocs. at work who explained a more efficient way of doing it, and I was dying to try it. It is quicker, and that plus a few other things she showed me will really help me leap ahead. Good stuff!
So, I didn't get away from the office till a bit after 8, which meant my schedule for the evening was out. I was keen to try cooking a beer can chicken, partly to expand my culinary range and partly because I wasn't sure how long the one I bought Sunday would keep. So I was home later than planned but decided, what the hell, go through with it! So I did - photos herewith (along with some photos from last night's gumbo). I made up a side of rice with cream and spinach. The chicken itself was very moist and flavourful: I put some garlic and onion powder in the beer can along with some South African seasoning mix, and rubbed the outside of the bird with a mix of salt, cayenne pepper and garlic powder. It was just a little undercooked; not so much you'd feel like you were on the verge of ptomaine poisoning, but enough that next time I'll cook it a bit longer and crank the oven up a bit. Still, nice to know I can get it right!
Which brings me to now: shower, shave, and shortly bed. As always happens in the evenings especially I keep thinking of Grace and Rachel and Joni. We're still in the breathing space zone, and we can be there as long as she'd like to be, but I surely miss all my three ladies. It's a strange thing though: I miss them, but when I think of them, I can't help but smile and be happy. They're my rock.
OK, I guess it's bedtime. Big day tomorrow. A lot of files for review with my boss and my other boss.
See you tomorrow.
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