Saturday, 23 May 2015

From a chilly grain field

Hi everyone,

Typing this in the paddock that's been ploughed for grain. The old boy is going around with the tractor and seeder.  Every so often Michael and I top it up with grain. Exciting it is not.

Today got off to a slow start: it was freezing (as in, 0°C) overnight and every time I poked my head out from under the covers there was a powerful incentive to poke it right back again!

In addition to getting the seeder underway this morning we changed the feed-molasses drum.

I put a bucketful out to the cattle with the salt and Minavit from last week.  They e been loving up on it all day since!



Sorry for the delay finishing this: battery died.  We finished with sowing grain just after the sun went below the horizon and headed in as the air temperature began to fall.

Quiet evening: a warm fire and dinner were both welcome. I finally saw The Third Man tonight, on DVD. I think maybe I missed the point. All these years I've heard it described as one of the greatest films ever made, but to me it seemed like a fairly unremarkable thriller - competently enough made, to be sure, but not really memorable. Maybe I was put off by the zither music, which I found so overused as to be downright annoying.

Have some work lined up for tomorrow with The Gardener.  Thank heavens for a chance to feel like a proper working man again!

More tomorrow.

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