Friday, 1 May 2015

NSW Deployment - day 2A

Hi everyone,

After I finished the last entry, the day got interesting.

We were still in the "hurry up and wait" phase when lunch rolled around (for me, a Caesar salad at the Lismore Workers Club).

It continued to rain pretty well consistently, and by afternoon jobs began coming in.

I know one crew was sent to do a roof repair. My crew (Barwon) was sent to sandbag a wall at one house and some doors at a primary school where there was water coming in. It felt good to be doing something tangible, even if the jobs themselves were fairly trifling.

At about 5:20 the Victorian crews were stood down. For myself I felt a bit guilty about this as the heavy rain was starting to arrive.

Crews from NSW will work through the night and we'll take over in the morning (unless things get completely nuts overnight, in which case it's all hands to the pumps).

Back to the motel for a shower and clean-ish clothes, then back to the Workers' Club for dinner. Rain was (and is) still falling very heavily; at least it makes things beautiful in a way.

I noticed that the drainage channels were building up through the day.  I'm sure they must be overflowing by now.  Hopefully the folks in low lying areas hold up as best they can.

More tomorrow.

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