Monday, 18 May 2015

Peace and quiet

Hi everyone,

Another warm day! Things kicked off with a couple of phone calls - one regarding a legal job I applied for (the conversation with the recruiter was going well until he said the name of the employer; it turns out to be one who I've already applied to and whose conduct was so shameful I threatened to report them to the Law Institute). The other was about a job as a cattle hoof trimmer (nobody can say I'm leaving an employment stone unturned!).

The parental units are off to the south for a few days at a funeral, which gives me some peace and quiet and a chance to get some things done on the farm: often it's easier to do things and present the old boy with a fait accompli than to argue the toss with him.

Before they could go they had to evict the cat from his sunbed on the dashboard of their car ...

... and after they were gone I went into town for my appointment with the blood bank. I'm happy to report that all my stats are healthy!

I ran a few errands in town while I was there - some groceries and odds and ends ...

... including a rockmelon which was partly eaten for dinner.

Took the dog for a longish walk in the afternoon in the timber in the bull's paddock.  The bull himself is looking very poor; a few weeks on better feed would do wonders for him (also, if you're wondering, that calf with scours from yesterday was fine this morning!).  I'd forgetten the hollow trees in the bull's paddock. Wonderful shelter for animals.

Went for a ride in the late afternoon to loosen my legs post yesterday.  Planned on 13 kms but had to cut it short for want of light. In the event, 10kms was certainly enough!

Another cool night tonight. Not sure what's up for tomorrow but would certainly love to caught up with writing.

More tomorrow. 

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