Sunday, 31 May 2015

Rain in the afternoon

Hi everyone,

Writing this with an element of cabin fever. It's 5pm on Sunday afternoon and its raining outside. Michael came up this morning; he and the old boy just came in out of the rain.  He just gave the old boy a glass of wine; I'm hoping it won't lead to a second glass as it tends to make him believe he's hugely funny and clever, which is tiresome.

Annoyingly I haven't been able to get out for a run or a ride due to the rain, and that leaves me feeling overheated and 'pent-up'.  Despite all of which I'm feeling reasonably good about starting work tomorrow.  One of the worst feelings about being unemployed is the sense of being trapped: that you struggle to find things to be keen or excited about, that every day is like the day before, and that you're just killing time and unable to plan anything for your future.  Now, I can start getting my future back on track.  It's a liberating feeling.  I'm not going to lie: I do feel almost as out of place as I used to, although SES makes a big difference. Having a job lets me build to a future of my design, rather than taking whatever comes to me.

On another note, I wanted to share a painting I'm loving at the moment.  One of my favourite pictures is Piet Mondrian's Broadway Boogie-Woogie (1943).

Looking through an old issue of The Spectator I saw another, much earlier Mondrian picture that I like: Devotion (1908). I love the way the image isn't 'outlined' but instead 'emerges' from the background. Despite this fluidity, the woman looks as calm and permanent as if she had been carved from marble. It's a beautiful picture.

That's everything I can think of for the moment. I hope you're all doing well. Looking forward to updating you about the new job tomorrow!

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