Tuesday, 4 August 2015

On the improve

Hi everyone,

Things are starting to settle into a new normal, I think.  I was out the door for work this morning at only just after the usual time.  Not sure what dad had planned for his day, but he didn't freeze at least: it was a frosty morning.

Work was me catching up on yesterday and generally trying to stay focussed, with fair success.

Went out to the hospital to see mum in the late afternoon - snuck out of work early.  Dad was there as well.  She's doing well in rehab: says her leg was operating with significantly better function, although not much change with her arm.  Speech was a bit slurred still but I think she was getting tired by then too.  In good spirits though.  So, an encouraging state of affairs.

I'd offered yesterday to sort tonight's dinner out (I was thinking of whipping up a quick pasta), but dad wanted to pick something up to cook. 'Something' turned out to be frozen hotdogs and potatoes.  Picking a dinner mainly made up of fat, salt and starch suggests to me that he's not drawing any obvious lessons about food, health, and (oh, I dunno) stroke risk.  >sigh<.

Haven't yet laid in plans for tomorrow.  Work obviously. Really would love to hit the gym because I feel fat as a whale.  We'll see.  Hope all is well with you!

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