Thursday, 2 July 2015

Warming up again!

Hi everyone,

Warming up in bed after an evening at the scrapyard doing road crash rescue training (RCR).

It's been an annoyingly unfocussed day in a lot of ways.  This morning at work I was having a battle to stay on any one job, although this got better through the day and by 4pm I was again looking for something to do.

The evening brought SES training and, in particular, a night at the scrapyard doing RCR training.  I changed down at the unit.  You know I love a good before-and-after photo, so here's mine:

Work clothes


We needed to take all three unit vehicles to the yard, and most of the evening was spent watching the newer volunteers tackle a road rescue drill.  They have the idea, but naturally were slipping a bit on execution (like failing to use a glass catcher when breaking the car's windows).  Still, they're keen and they'll get it with exposure.

While the newer members of the team were training, the rest of us tried to keep warm in our overalls and gloves.  Not the easiest thing in the world to do!

While the newer guys were reviewing what went well and what didn't, the more experienced members gut some time on the tools too.

It went well, and we performed a partial roof flap which would have allowed a casualty to be taken from the front seat.

All up, it's been a satisfying night.  Time to get some sleep and finish the week tomorrow. Have a great day!

1 comment:

  1. What a high energy day! Looks pretty exciting for a job. It is weird to hear that it is cold out there, however, being in Michigan it is one of the coldest states right now. You would never know that it is July here! I do not complain though, it is great running weather!
