Tuesday 22 October 2013


Hi everyone,

Sorry I'm being a pretty crappy blogger at the moment.  In the evenings I seem to be so tired all I can do is pass out.

Not that my posts would have made especially interesting reading: work, running, writing.  If you head over to dailymile page there's the race reports for Run the Maine, the Melbourne Marathon and Sweat vs Steam, which are about the closest I've come of late to writing anything decent about my life.

The last day or two the weather's been trying to persuade itself to rain.  There was actually a shower this evening before I took the dog for his last walk and the air had that 'relieved' feeling.  I remember that feeling, from when I was at Rushworth or Brocklesby.  It's a feeling of memories of happy times, and that the world was wide and there were still endless possibilities still to be explored.  I was trying to remember the last time I felt like that.  I'm not sure when it was.  When I was at university perhaps?  Maybe I'm just having a bit of a let-down after three weekends of running events, but right now I feel like I might have burned up an awful lot of my second chances.

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