Sunday, 25 October 2015


Hi everyone,
It's a bit of an odds-and-ends post tonight.  I've been trying to think of a word for my thoughts at the moment.  I'm not sure what to go with.
Friday at work was another day of filling in time and generally being useless.  I was comparing notes with two of my colleagues, who are swamped with administrative tasks which they could give to me but which (owing to our oddish administrative structure) isn't allowed.  We've sent a message to our section head asking for a unit meeting to discuss these issues.  I have a sense of foreboding about it.  In the past (at other workplaces) complaints about structures and workloads tend to result in everyone identifying issues receiving punishment duties (that is, changes to work arrangements that kind of address the problem but that mainly succeed in humiliating those affected).

I had another good trip to the opp shop on Friday.  This time, volumes of French and English verse and a complete set of Marlowe.  Possibly the best $1.50 I've ever spent!

Because I was feeling unsettled on Friday I went for a run at Victoria Park Lake and on the Broken River trail.  The lake was its usual picture-perfect self -

The river trail took me under the railway bridge, and regular readers will know how I feel about both railways and bridges.

Saturday the old boy took a load of cattle down to the Peninsula - he came back tonight.  Second Oldest Sister and JP came up here for lunch which was very pleasant.  Apart from that S.O.S. mentioned that Michael had said something pretty unflattering about her.  She and JP didn't seem too fussed, but I'm pretty mad about it and don't know that I want to have much more to do with Michael.  I'd give him a bit of latitude where Little Sister is concerned - separation doesn't always bring out the best in people - and I couldn't care much less what he might say about me.  But S.O.S. (and, for that matter, Oldest Sister Economist) are a different kettle of fish.  I have a lot of reasons to be grateful to them (as readers of my old blog will know) that, I suppose, give their interests a bit of extra heft with me.
I was up late last night to Skype with the girls.  They were happy and well and very chatty.  After about an hour though Rachel wanted to use the ipad at their end and I was fighting to keep my eyes open.  She was so sweet about switching off though - "Good night sleep tight don't let the bedbugs bite" - that I couldn't be sad.  I'm so proud of what perfect little ladies they're becoming.  Their manners are, dare I say it, ones Grandma Judith would be proud of!
Today has been quiet.  It's been warm all day and if we're lucky maybe there'll be rain tonight.  We can only hope.  The dog and me have been for about 9kms worth of walks, but after the last few days I decided to give my Sunday run a miss and replace it with some strength training.  I'm feeling a bit brighter about things despite still suspecting things are work are about to take a turn for the worse.  Weird, right?  Well, I guess any change has a 50% chance of being progress, right?
No more for now: I'm off to have a cleanup and get to bed.  Let's see what the week brings.

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