Tuesday, 8 November 2016

Jobs, blood and news

Hi everyone,
Happy Tuesday!  It's been a rewarding day here in my world.  The day started a bit late, after what felt like my first good night's sleep in ages.  As usual, this was followed by walking the dog, and a few other chores through the morning.  I applied for a job with the Department of Housing, and also re-read yesterday's letter from the place at Murchison that didn't give me a job.

This was probably worthwhile, because it finally sank in I need to retrain as something other than a lawyer.  I can't afford to do properly accredited reskilling here, except through SES.  If somehow I do, it'll probably be my one shot at making a new start.  So, I've signed up for an apparently reputable intro-to-nursing course to see if my fondness for helping people can be turned into something that might turn a dollar.  One can only try.
In the afternoon I headed in to Shepparton to go to the Blood Bank.  This was as good as ever: my brain might not be A1, but my body can sure do some good stuff for other people!  While I was there I asked about getting another group donation for the SES Unit.  They have a few blocks of appointments between here and Christmas so I'm hopeful that it can be made to happen.
A photo posted by Stephen Tuck (@sdtuc2) on

The other thing I got in Shepparton was today's Tatura Guardian, which included a longish story about our unit -
It was great to see us written up in such an effective way.  Hopefully we get some new members!
The day finished fairly quietly, with TV, dinner and blogging.
Hope your days are going well out there.

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