Saturday 29 February 2020

Commencing Lent

Quick post tonight.

We're now a few days into Lent and I'm assuredly feeling better for it.

I made it to the Ash Wednesday Mass this week just gone, which was a bit of an achievement: I was  meant to be starting a jury trial the next day!  It was packed and, sadly, it was very difficult to hear the priest.  Regardless, I know what I want to achieve this Lent.  I'll again give up encouraging bad thoughts, and anything that might give occasion for adultery (I'll also go to confession, which I haven't been doing).  I'll pray a rolling novena for souls in purgatory.  That is, finishing it, then saying a couple of other prayers, and then starting again.  And I'd like to make a few donations to charities as well.

It seems perverse to have been looking forward to the penitential season, but I have.  Not, I suppose, out of a love of penance, but out of a desire to change myself.  I can't think of a better season to become the person you want to be.

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