Sunday, 5 July 2015

On a Sunday

Hi everyone,

Lying here in bed typing this post.

Today was another chilly morning, and kicked off with the old boy and me heading over to Michael's place to run out more fencing wire.  At a rough guess, we put out maybe a mile of wire.  I'm not sure what may have passed between Michael and Fran yesterday, but he seemed to be in a testy mood today and so I just got on with stringing the wire and kept my mouth shut.  People are crazy.

The old boy and I came back here for lunch, and afterwards I had some spare time to take the do for a walk for which he'd been begging me.   I'm happy to report that the paddock we sowed is starting to look healthy, although lord knows rain would be nice.  This cold, dry winter is starting to get to everyone and plants are no exception.

While we were out and about the dog explored the old and long abandoned sheep race.  At about this point I was starting to feel oddly lost: it was about 3:30pm and the wind had dropped.  It was dead calm and felt like the whole world was holding its breath for something.

Whatever big climax the atmosphere was anticipating, it can't have happened in the Goulburn valley, because the only thing that I thought was notable in the subsequent hour or so was me getting a whacking great spike of fencing wire stuck in the heel of my boot and needing to pull it out with pliers.

Just after I finished walking the dog the sun broke through and made the landscape green and golden.  I'm hoping that's a good augury for the week. Despite the dry conditions things looked incredibly healthy and productive.

The day finished up with putting the stock crate on the truck, and just on sunset Michael stopped in for dinner; he'll go down to Melbourne from here tomorrow I expect.

Not much else to add.  Work and a blood donation tomorrow.

Hope you've had a great weekend!

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