Sunday 16 September 2012

A Link up?

Hi everyone,

I was going to try another video post but can't seem to get youtube to co-operate.  So, absent any better ideas, I'm going to have a shot at being part of a linkup.  Not sure if I'm doing this right or if I'll look stupid but, looking at my life at the moment, what do I care?
1. What are 3 items you can't live without on a daily basis (water, food, shelter, and clothes don't count)

  1. My phone, which by now contains my calendar, most of my deadlines, all of my contacts and a bundle of half baked ideas.
  2. A pen.  Finding something to write on isn't usually difficult, but a pen?  They're always needed.
  3. My business cards.  Yeah - I'm a somewhat excessive self-marketer.  God help me.

2. What is your all time favorite book? Why?

Definitely To Kill a Mockingbird. It's not the reason I became a lawyer, but it's such a beautifully evocative book of a time and a place.  It's also one of those rare books where you can pick it up and open it anywhere and still find something new.

3. What is something you'd like to accomplish before the end of 2012?

Holding my darling daughters again before the end of the year would be better than anything I can imagine.

4. If you could go back and relive any year of your life which year would it be?

1994.  I'd go back and talk some sense into myself about the decade-worth of not-happiness I was about to inflict on myself.  Imagine a decade of being almost entirely focused on study and then work, and then emerging out the other end wondering why you have almost no friends and have become someone you don't altogether like, but are stuck with.

5. What do you wish people knew about you without you having to tell them?

I don't like hurting people, except when it's part of my job (litigation is as litigation does).  Sometimes I blunder about like a bull in a china shop, and I hate it as much as anyone who has the misfortune to be on the wrong end of the experience.


  1. great choice for your book :) stopping by from ss! cant wait to read more about your blog!

    1. Thanks Cait - enjoying your blog to and have added your button!

  2. I hope you do get to hold your little girls this year too! Praying for that for you!

    1. Many thanks Heather - hopefully everything will work out!
