Sunday 20 January 2013

A short post - rounding out the weekend

Hi everyone,

Back in Brunswick again.  It's 1am and I'm typing this just to round out the weekend.

I woke at Shepparton at about 6am and went out the front for the cool morning air.  It was cool no problem, but clean it was not: the smoke from the multiple fires around the state had really spread, including to our area, and so the air was think with woodsmoke.  This photo, taken about mid-morning, doesn't really show what I hoped it would - the way the sky had a rather hazy, greasy look to it. 

Dad and I spent about 2 hours talking after breakfast about The News, and he shared a lot of the details from his and mum's early years, which was definitely instructive.  It makes me think that my guess of yesterday was right - after Friday's big reveal, he needed time to digest the news before responding.

We were on the road about 10:30am and back at the home place by 3:00pm.  Balance of the day fairly inactive.  No real insights or otherwise from Mum.  No idea what she might be thinking.

Picked up some groceries on the way back here.  Shave, shower, cleanup and bed.

See you tomorrow folks.

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