Monday 14 January 2013

Dead Lawyer Walking!

Hi everyone,

I expect this will be a fairly short post tonight.

So, today was my first day at work on borrowed time.  I was up early - about 5:15am - and worked my way through a pot of coffee while looking at jobs on the web with CBS' morning program on in the background.  About 7am I had a shower and got dressed and headed in.

Work was a slightly surreal experience - it was kind of like I'm now radioactive and the partners are all giving me a wide berth.  Anyway, I got down to business and sent off a few applications from the office and waded through a bunch of medical records.  Terribly drowsy this morning (how???  I'd had an entire pot of coffee for breakfast!) and by 11am there was a trip downstairs for yet more coffee.

I spent lunch and the hour after preparing for a s.12 conference in a common law matter which, to my astonishment, settled for about $100,000 less than the plaintiff wanted.  Sigh: why has my legal career coughed deep red blood just as I'm starting to get good?  Either God has some incredible plan in mind, or He is seriously screwing with me!!!

I left the office about 6:30 and came back here.  I persuaded myself to go for a run - 5.2km in 27.06 minutes.  Watched a bit of the Texans-Patriots game and then came up here and sent off a string of job applications somewhat promiscuously.  Hopefully something comes of it.

No writing tonight.

Earlyish bed tonight - I need to catch up on sleep.

See you tomorrow.

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