Friday 23 December 2011

Last night's post

So this was the entry I didn't post yesterday for want of internet access.  Posted now for completeness.

It's been another late night, which means this will be another quickish update.  Sorry.

I didn't mean for it to become a late night.  This morning, a bit before lunch, I was actually struggling to keep my eyes open, and so I'd decided to get a proper night's sleep tonight.  But, after work, I stayed on at the office and did a few more things, and then got my teeth into a defence I'm drawing in a County Court matter.  It was presenting an interesting problem about whether I could use an equitable defence to defeat a statutory application.  So I got my head into that and hey presto ... it was 11:00.  It's now 12:30 and I'm ready to crash.

It's otherwise been a good day.  At lunch I got an invite to the end of year drinks for the firm I used to work at, so I went to that and was really touched at how pleased everyone was to see me!  Also, one of the newer solicitors, who was very briefly a secretary at the firm before she qualified and who did some work for me, asked if she could catch up with me sometime, as she's starting to get quite a bit of victims compensation work, - this was the area of which I was the resident guru.  I'm happy to tell her all I know, no problems, but I was surprised to find I'm kind of glad I'm no longer doing that work.  It was interesting, and once in a while you realised you really were helping someone.  And it was nice to be the recognised authority in an area, even if just within the firm, but I'm OK with it not being a big whack of my activities anymore.  I was just surprised - I didn't think I'd think that.

I did have a kind of a twinge moment today, when Mrs T put a picture of one of our little princesses on facebook.  They've only been gone about 5 weeks, but suddenly the girls look so big and grown up.  Still, she looked awfully happy, and that's as good a sign as I can think of that what we're doing is in accordance with God's plan.

Tomorrow should be a good day - the office closes at 1pm for a lunch and a few drinks.  And it's a day we can show up in civvies.  Then, the Christmas and New Year break.  Which will drag without Mrs T and the girls, but at least it'll leave time for skypage and maybe some playing as well.

OK.  Bedtime.  There's more I want to write, but it'll keep till tomorrow evening.

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