Wednesday 21 December 2011

Too short an update

Hi everyone,

This will be a reasonably brief post tonight.  I'm actually doing this on my laptop at the sharehouse.  I was at the office till 11:30 tonight, and it's now 1am.  Hence the need to be brief.

Which is a shame. There's a lot I'd like to say.

It's been a really busy couple of days.  Last night I was also at the office till very late, because of a matter we've been trying to get processed by the court for nearly 8 months.  It's been continually delayed because every time the plaintiff's barrister looked at it, she had another new idea about how she should put the claim, and then kept getting really huffy when we opposed several of the intentions on jurisdictional grounds (among other things).  Anyway, it finally got referred off today so it'll be off my plate for about 4 months.  This plus another matter were also my last Court appearances for the year.

The rest of the day was spent on the catch-up work before the office closes.  Happily, my secretary is speaking to me again.  Because of a screw-up I failed to deal with adequately last Friday, she copped an earful from a medical examiner's rooms on Monday which she (not unreasonably) blamed me for.  For better or worse, though, we're stuck with each other, and she is a good secretary, so it's welcome if her nose is getting less out of joint as the days pass.

After work I went down to Myers to procure my gift for the office Kris Kringle.  Not an easy task, given the size of the firm.  The person I was buying for is one of the IT guys who I've only dealt with once since I've been there.  All I know about him is that he has an East Asian name and tends to wear vests a lot.  I couldn't even tell you if he has an accent.  So the least bad idea I had was to get him a metal water bottle with that "Keep Calm and Carry On" motif on it. 

Then back to the office.  I was genuinely tired, but just kind of didn't get around to leaving till late.  I was wading through an insurer file on a new-ish matter - the sort of job where you can kind of do it with half your brain in neutral.

Dinner at the office again, then a tram back here.

I guess the main thing to say is that I feel a lot better than I've done in a while.  It feels like the cloud of blue devils that's been hanging around me for a long while is leaving me alone, at least for a bit.  I noticed it especially when I was looking out of my office window this evening and thought, for the first time in quite a while: "in spite of everything, the world really is beautiful".

OK.  More tomorrow.

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