Thursday, 7 May 2015

To the land of Ironbarks

Hi everyone,

It's been a full day today.  I didn't sleep so well last night and slept a little later than usual this morning. Spent some quality time on the computer going through the "let's pretend I might get one of these jobs" exercise, and then went over to the property at Rushworth to pick up the sets of discs we were using over there to break the ground up for sowing: there's ground to be broken up here as well so it'll be more productive.

The blue devils were getting into me this morning and I was having trouble feeling good about anything much, so I just focussed on the job at hand and got the discs chained and strapped down.

The trip back was a bit of an adventure: we were trekking back through the timber in dirt and gravel roads. We wound up stuck behind a grader.  Now, seeing a grader out in the backblocks is usually a welcome thing because it means the roads will be smooth for a few weeks.  But, it had a drawback for a loaded truck: the road went from this -

... to this -

Anyway, after getting to the end of the roadworks we were shortly back on bitumen and crossed the Goulburn at Murchison.

After lunch we got the discs off and hitched one of them up to the Chamberlain tractor.

They cut well enough but the ground is very compacted.  It's going to be a long 40 acres.

Bluechip the Bull was looking on for a lot of this exercise.  In another age it might have been him needing to pull the discs!

SES road crash rescue training in the evening.

It was the first time we'd practiced extrication from a car on its roof. I was interested to know how to stabilise the rear of the vehicle: as it turns out, by hooking two stab-fast stabilisers together and winching them against each other.

Home late (about 11pm).  Cool night tonight: put another blanket on the bed. Think I'm getting soft!

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