Sunday 15 July 2012

Back in the Blogosphere

Hi everyone, 

Sorry I've been absent from the blogosphere for almost a week.  I dunno, I guess you'd call it blogger's block.  Not actually writer's block: I've done another history column I'm trying to interest someone in and I've been getting the hang of twitter.  But when it came to blogging, I've honestly just looked at my laptop in the evening and thought "I just can't get my thoughts in order to blog".  So, nonetheless, here I am again!

It's been a quiet weekend.  I spent yesterday at the State Library again, on more research for a theory that came into my head after reading one of Hayden White's essays a little while back.  I'm wondering if one might create an anti-history.  That is, one that can extract meaning using a strictly alinear approach.  Still working on it but it may have merit.  The idea is this: history is written with one event causing another event later in time.  But can one conceivably have the chain of events work in reverse, so that a later event actually causes an earlier event?  It sounds absurd, but classical physics says it can theoretically happen, and given that most forms of history represent one or more levels of complexity imposed on culturally-reflective narrative systems, identifying "reverse causation" might be a merely a case of altering our world view sufficiently.

Yes, I know what you're thinking: this guy has way too much time on his hands.  But really: my wife and girls are overseas, and I've paired all my odd socks,  What else is there to do but try and win a Nobel prize?

Today I did laundry in the morning and some more reading and then went to the office.  Not my most productive day, but I'm OK with that as it was a big week, and at least it's a couple of hours work I don't need to try and do during the week.  I was running late, so I went to Mass at the Cathedral.  Back here for dinner.  Ironed a shirt and now blogging too.

Sorry this isn't more exciting.  Hopefully tomorrow throws up something blogworthy!

See you tomorrow.

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