Monday, 29 June 2015

A possible surfeit of photographs...

Hi everyone,
Sitting here and thawing out at the end of the day.
Did I say yesterday that I had an early kickoff today?  Not as bad as it sounds: the CEO of Goulburn-Murray Water was flying up to Mildura this morning but needed  to sign some papers before he went.  As I live only about 25 minutes from the airport, my boss asked me to meet him, have him sign them and witness the signature.  Naturally, as I'm close to the bottom of the soprporate food chain, I made sure to be on time and look as impressive as possible.  Only one chance to make a first impression etc...
Anyway, It was cold when I rolled out of bed at 6:30.  How cold?  This cold -

I grabbed some toast and a travel mug of coffee and drove up to Kialla where the airport is.

Something had changed by the time I got there.  What had changed?  The temperature had gone to -
Despite the cold, it was a beautiful morning at the airfield, with the sun coming up through the mist.

Even if the palm trees may have felt a little out of place!  Los Angeles on the Goulburn?

The papers signed, I drove on to work and got underway for the day.  I was feeling a bit seedy as they morning wore on and ducked out to get a coffee about 10:30.
There's nothing so settling as chai latte!

Work itself was unremarkable - mainly procedural work and by 4:30pm I was kind of casting about for things to do.  I needed to scurry off straight after work or I would have done another of the e-learning courses.
Not much else to note about today.  I know I need to write a few casenotes so I may get into them after dinner.  I certainly don't want to spend the next few months just spinning my wheels.

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