Tuesday 29 May 2012

How'd that happen?!?

Hi everyone,

Kind of a quick post tonight.  Sorry.

Today went better than I could have imagined!  The matter that I was convinced would have to run (because we had a strong case) settled.  That is, the plaintiff came in swinging and demanding massive arrears of payments.  We (I) stood our (my) ground and said nothing doing.  A long conversation with his barrister later he agreed to settle the matter for a limited period of medical expenses, which is in all practical terms a win, and a massive backdown for his lawyers.  Pretty pleased about that!  And, I was able to handle that and another matter simultaneously, as well as tackling three interlocutory matters.

Pride cometh before a fall but, yay me!

The rest of the day was quiet and preparing for a couple of fairly intense meetings tomorrow.  I formally resigned from the firm today.  Kind of sad to do it, even if it was a choice between that and be sacked.  But, the partners in the section are being great and saying it's a good move for me and backing up the "have to make hay while the sun shines" explanation I've been using.  It's a really nice firm though, with lovely people, and I'd be lying if I said I wasn't sorry to be going.

OK, I'd better turn in.

See you tomorrow

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